Interventional Radiology
Transarterial Chemoembolization for the Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma has traditionally been viewed as an aggressive disease that was unresponsive to systemic chemotherapy. Surgical resection has been and remains the option with the best outcome. However, fewer than 25% of patients are surgical candidates at the time of diagnosis. This had left many patients with essentially no other treatment that was better than supportive care. This has changed in recent years with the development of transarterial chemoembolization. While the technique has been around for several decades, its widespread acceptance and availability is now becoming the standard of practice.
During this procedure a small tube is threaded up into the main liver artery with x-ray guidance. A mixture of tiny beads is then injected into the blood supply. They flow into the artery that feeds the liver tumors and block the blood flow to the tumors.
This procedure is not a curative therapy; however, it has clearly shown to improve survivability and is superior to any other palliative therapy available. Kaweah Delta Medical Center with the partners of Mineral King Radiology are now able to provide this important medical therapy to Visalia and the surrounding communities.
To confirm that patient’s symptoms are arising from particular joint or bursa
To treat pain for patients who are not ready for surgery or who are poor candidates for surgery
Subacromial/sub deltoid bursa
A-C joint
Carpal tunnel
Lumbar epidural steroid injections
Sacroiliac joint injections
Facet injections
Hip joint
Iliopsoas bursa
Trochanteric bursa
Tibiotalar joint
Subtalar joint
Talonavicular joint
Sinus tarsi
Tarsometatarsal joints
Metatarsophalangeal joints
Musculoskeletal Specialty Radiologists:
Daniel Hightower, MD • Glade Roper, MD • Michael Shin, MD