Mineral King Radiology

Doctor Examines Xray Scan

Mineral King Radiological Medical Group, Inc
is Tulare county’s premier radiology group.

Consisting of 12+ fellowship trained radiologists, MKRMG provides exclusive imaging interpretations for many local centers; such as Kaweah Health Medical Center, VIP Specialists, Visalia Imaging & Open MRI and Visalia Women’s Imaging Specialists.

Radiology services performed by MKRMG are billed through Mineral King Radiology Billing.

Billing for radiology services performed at Visalia Imaging & Open MRI, Visalia Women’s Imaging Specialists and VIP Specialists are billed globally, which means you will only receive one bill from MKRB for services. This bill includes the technical portion of your visit as well as the radiologists portion.

When radiology services are performed at any Kaweah Health facility, you should expect to receive two bills . One bill directly from Kaweah Health and the other bill for radiologist portion from MKR Billing. We will coordinate with KHMC to obtain your insurance information however occasionally information is missing. Providing accurate insurance information is the responsibility of each patient. If you receive a bill from us that you feel is incorrect please email your current insurance information to MKRB immediately and we will perform a courtesy rebill. Failure to provide accurate insurance information in a timely manner will result in insurance denial and the patient will be responsible for the entire bill.