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   Breast MRI studies are now available using the 3T MRI.  It is not intended to replace mammography/ breast  ultra-sound, but is used as a supplemental tool - to aid the diagnosis of breast conditions, assess the integrity of breast implants, guide breast biopsy procedures and/or monitor response to therapy.

   Passage of CA SB 1538 requires that women with dense breast tissue be notified following a mammogram.  Physician reports now classify breast tissue using a 4-level density scale.  Women are informed:

  1)  Dense breasts can make it harder to evaluate the results of a mammogram

  2)  Dense tissue is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer

  3)  A range of breast screening options are available

  Diagnostic/therapeutic joint injections are being done by MSK radiologist, Dr. Glade Roper: 1) to confirm problematic joint/bursa site and 2) for pain treatment in patients who are poor surgical risks.  Targeted sites include upper extremity, spine, pelvis, knee and foot/ankle.