CT Ordering Protocols


CT Protocols (excel file goes here...)


Patients can take all meds prior to exam and may have water


1. Most of the time, you will be ordering exams of the abdomen and pelvis together – rarely is it appropriate to order one or the other.

2. With IV contrast is almost always better than without. However, if the patient has acute renal failure (non-dialysis dependent) or has had an anaphylactic response to contrast, no IV contrast will be given. 

3. Patients with a non-anaphylaxis contrast allergy should receive the following premedication protocol: Prednisone 50 mg by mouth 13, 7, & 1 hr prior to exam. We will give Benadryl 50 mg within 1 hour of injection; patient will need a driver.

4. The more clinical information you give us, the better we can do at answering your specific question. This will become even more important with the imminent arrival of ICD-10.

5. A radiologist is regularly available by phone if further clarification is needed; we would rather get a phone call than read the wrong study.  Please call (559) 734-5674 to be connected.